dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2013


The novel is about two friends who live in a abandoned mansion. These two friends are in charge of the investigation into the murder of two French ladies of the nobility.  Dupin and his friend decide to take research on your own. Dupin concludes that the assassination was carried out by an orangutan and puts a fake ad in the newspaper which said that an orangutan had been found. a Maltese pirate goes home and tells that the orangutan had escaped and had entered the house of the murdered ladies. The animal had a great fury and he did not do anything to stop it, and decided to go there. The murder was solved and police released the suspect and after a while, the orangutan was sold to a zoo.

My opinion is that i think that it's a good story, not very scary but it is entertaining to read. When I beginning i not understanding the story but when continuing the story is most easy to understand.
I like because i learn a lot of words when i read the book.

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