dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2013

                                    ORPHAN (film)

The film centers on a couple who, after the death of their unborn child, adopt a mysterious nine-year old girl .
A girl who hides a dark secret behind her sweet appearance.
In this film, for me,  the parts of don't give me terror are the best. For example when the couple goes to the orphanage and meet the little girl. This is a quiet scene because she behaves very well, it's nice, funny and loving with her "parents", and you have no reason to be scared.
The part that gave me a lot of terror is when the orphan stayed alone with her "father" and she was hiding by the house and tried to kill him because you don't know where is the girl and get scared when suddenly appears and when the orphan get kill her "father" it's horroros because I suffred a lot.

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