divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014


I was glad when my phone started to ring. It was my sister Mireia  she told me that she had a new job in Barcelona, in an agency of clothes. She had to go to live there with her daughter and she told me that she has to buy a flat but she still doesen't have any money and she asked me if she could come and live with me in my flat in Barcelona for a time. I said that she could, this was not a problem and we staying in my house, here in Barcelona becose she can start her new job.

Hi James, I'm Cèlia.
I'm writing to you to tell you things that I love.
I love going to the cinema with my friends, I like horror, romantic, adventures and above all drama.
I like to feel emotions when I see the films because you put yourself in the place of the protagonists and it's like if you were in the film. I like too see the films at home alone but I never see horror films alone.

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