divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014


I was glad when my phone started to ring. It was my sister Mireia  she told me that she had a new job in Barcelona, in an agency of clothes. She had to go to live there with her daughter and she told me that she has to buy a flat but she still doesen't have any money and she asked me if she could come and live with me in my flat in Barcelona for a time. I said that she could, this was not a problem and we staying in my house, here in Barcelona becose she can start her new job.

Hi James, I'm Cèlia.
I'm writing to you to tell you things that I love.
I love going to the cinema with my friends, I like horror, romantic, adventures and above all drama.
I like to feel emotions when I see the films because you put yourself in the place of the protagonists and it's like if you were in the film. I like too see the films at home alone but I never see horror films alone.

divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014


My firt activity was about doing a cake. Was a chocolate cake and i wrote " I love you" and I put vanilla.

After, I watch a video about Valentine's presents for your dog. I think that the best present is give they the best. good food, best tract, happines, love... I think that if you decide has a dog, you've got to take care about he. Your dog will always be faithful. I think that the animals has feelings, for all that you will give at your dog he always will you thank you. 

divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014


He was born on 23 of April in 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon, near London.
His father was John Shakespeare he work as a Shop Keeper, Land Owner and Bailiff of Stratford. His mother was Mary Arden she worked in a inherited land which was bequeathed to William. Shakespeare had 7 brothers and sisters.
About his education, he probably attended the free grammar school until 15. He read much Mythology, Ovid, Plutarch's Lives, etc., which he used as sources.
He married with Anne Hathaway (she was 8 years older) on 27 of November in 1582. They had 3 children: Susanna and Hamnet & Judith (twins).
He lived in London most of his life and had little to do with Stratford, although he became its third largest landower, and eventually retired there.
By 1592 he was recognized as a sussessful actor on the London stage as well as a leading poet. He was a member of a repertory group, Chamberlain's Men.
He wrote at least 38 plays as well as sonnets and other poems. He revolutionized the English stage with hs dramatic and poetic genius.
He retired from the theatre to his native Stratford sometime between 1611 and 1613, having bought a large house called "New Place"
He died on his 52nd birthday (April 23, 1616) in Stratford. He was bruried in the chancel of the Churc of Holy Trinity.