diumenge, 8 de juny del 2014



Summer is one of the best months in my year, because i always take a break and feel more relaxed. In summer I go to the beach because I love the sea I love not having to study...
I can go out in party with my friends, go  in the cinema, walk, swim in the pool...  My mother doesn't see me in my house, because I'm always out. I meet all kind of people and make lot of new friends overcoat when I go tho the camping. I think that I have to practice the language because is very important for the comunication.


My dream:

My dream is do a trip in a paradise place. I've always wanted swim in a blue or transparent water with hot weather, and stretch in a very fine sand and see a lot of vegetation. I think that has to be very relaxing
be a such a nice place and so natural and simple. Whenever I see photos like the photo of the right I think that I cannot die if I not travel in one of these magnificent places.


A good trip:

Last year I went with my class of coral of my music school and a coral of Palafrugell in Belgica to do a exchange. We spend the stay in different houses of the boys and girls of the coral of Belgica. We sang a lot and we did a lot of tourism. The city was very beautiful and the people was very friendly. The worst was the cold, was snowing every time. I met a lot of teenagers and we became friends. The pic is of last day in a church of Luxemburg all the corals and we did a repertoire of songs for the people of there.



I think that the best thing that we have in the world are friends. They are a persons who you can explain everything and trust, are also at your side so good and bad willing to advise. A friendship is very important to feel supported and loved therefore the insaid of a person is very important. With friends you can spend many good times, have stories you will not forget and a lot of regards that when you be older you will like remember.

divendres, 6 de juny del 2014


My hobby:

One of the things that I love is dancing. I think that is a wonderful sport. I do this with my friend Julianni and we do ballet and jazz together, we do the class in Roses and we enjoy a lot. I do ballet and jazz two years ago and I hope to make many more years. I really enjoy a lot when I dance. This pic is in the festival of last year in the theater. The pic in the right is the final pose of a ballet dance with Julianni and the pic of under it's me and a pose of a jazz dance.

dimecres, 4 de juny del 2014

In this pic you can see a couple and two little girls. They are siting. In the background you can see a mountains and a lot of vegetation. In the upper part you can see a cloudy day. You cannot see the sun but seem a hot day because the family wear summer clothes. The family looks happy because they are smile. The girl of the right has in her arms a teddy.
This is my family. We went to spend a family day, we did a picnic, we walked to the mountain... The  teddy that I have in my arms was my best friend and now I still keep. I thing that this pic are so cute and lovely because we are a very united family.

diumenge, 1 de juny del 2014


Where does the classical play and the new version take place? The classical version had had place in Verona ( Italy) The new version toke place in a city in United States.
Where are they? The actors are in petrol station, Juliet mansion and Verona beach
Which century? The classical version had take in the XVI century and the new version in the XX century. 

metaphors & Images.
In the swimming pool everything it's calm, the emotions flow and is a romantinc time. The water in the aquarium mean overcoat love and hope. The beach mean the tranquility a place to think ( for exemple Romeo went there for thonk in Rosaline). The fire in the petrol station represent the war between the two families ( Montagues and Capulets). The Day represent fight, the night it's represent with Tybalt, because he died at night. Tybalt is a dark character and his costum from the party was a devil, so the fact that he died at night represent the death, the dark,... Mercutio died in sunset, and her dead chance the story because Romeo not only fight for the love of Juliet but also for revenge the death of his friend. The moon represents the beauty of Juliet.

Wich characters speack in verse and wich in prose? Who is the narrator? The characters who speack in verse are: Juliet, Romeo, the parents of both and a friend of Romeo (who alert to Romeo that Juliet dies). The narrator in the film are the news from TV. 

What's the role of the costumes? Romeo is a knight, so he simbolize who fight for the love of his life, despite the hated between their families. Juliet is a angel, she simbolize the innocence and the peace. The father of juliet is a emperor, so he simbolize the dictatorship ( he forces Juliet to do what he wants). The mother of Juliet is Clepatra, she represent the superficial beauty. Mercutio is a devil, he simbolize the evil and the hatred. Paris is a astronaut, he represent the 

To make the new versión basic elements hav been changed. Cars for horses. Beach for Verona. Romeo always went to the forest in the book, but in the film he was in bar or in the beach. Guns for swords.

 In the film the clothing is very modern: t-shirts, jeans,.. There are pool. The properties of the two families are companies. The prince of Verona is a police. etc.


Today, 1-6-14, it has been discovered a new drug for a person who has Prostate Cancer. This drug
helps prevent this disease by 81 percent the risk of progression. Was tested with 1,700 patients and the resultis that the new treatment can prolong survival of patients three years. And side effects are minimal.
Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona participated in the development of the drug.
I think that this is a big progress that can save the lives of many people. It's very important that these investigations can made therefore it's important that the people give money for causes like this.



The last week i went with my class of English to Barcelona for do a project. We had to interview a tourist, reord his voice and took a photo. I wached a lot of tourists to do the interview but the one that I prefer was a beautiful couple. They looked young, the man was very tall, otherwise, the girl was small. They were very nice and friendly couple.
And this is the interview that I made them.

divendres, 23 de maig del 2014


This is a spontaneous, peaceful, and espectacular photo. But overcoat this is a natural photo.
You can see an enormous sky and a lot of shining stars and shooting stars inside.
I think that is a romantic photo too, in the under of the photo there are a couple who are whatching the spectacular sky.
If one day I've got the opportunity to see this sight I will take a lot of photos because probably I won't see it again. And I will feel lucky.

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

My best experience in Berlin

My best experience in Berlin was the last night, the teachers gave us free time and my friends and me went for a walk round the city. I love this city at night, there are a many of people and things to do. We went to a bar and we met two friendly english boys, after, we went to Mc Donald's to eat again, because we love fast food. The time was finished and we returned to the Hostel, we was very tired to the day. During the night we stayed in the room and we were talking about the day. I love our free time, when we went to the shopping, in the Starbucks, visited to the city... I love the experience in Berlin, was unforgetable.

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014


Last Tuesday, two old men came in my high school to did a speech of the personal experience of their fathers in Mauthausen. We wached a video, was horrible, I saw the mistreat, as the people died, hunger and sadness of the people, had many shocking images.
They explained to us stories from people who tried to escape, as people tried to survive and the most important, the history of his fathers and how they lived. Was shocking the cruelty of people. I find it very unfair

dimarts, 11 de març del 2014

resolutions for the new year

One of the things that i want to do this new year is have a good diet,
I want to eat more healthy food because I love fast food, for example chips and hamburgers.
I like put ketchup, salsa, cheese, etc. in the meals, i think that it's not very healthy.
I love eating between meals; bread with chocolate or jam... I like eating very much!
This new year I will try eat more vegetables and fruit and be more healthy.

dilluns, 10 de març del 2014

divendres, 7 de març del 2014


This story is about star-crossed lovers. Juliet is in love with Romeo, and Romeo with she. But this love is impossible because Juliet is Capulet's family, Romeo is Montague's family and this families hate each other. Romeo met a Juliet in a party of Capulet's family and fell in love each other. But juliet was engaged to Paris and her father want to Juliet married with him. Romeo must leave the city of Verona because he killed Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, because Tybalt killed Romeo's best friend, and Juliet with the help of Friar Laurence made a plan because the lovers could meet again. Juliet drank a potion and slept for a time, when Romeo went to see Juliet he trought that she's dead and killed Paris and after he drank a poison and died. When Juliet got up and saw Romeo she wanted to die too and kissed his lips and died too.

divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014


I was glad when my phone started to ring. It was my sister Mireia  she told me that she had a new job in Barcelona, in an agency of clothes. She had to go to live there with her daughter and she told me that she has to buy a flat but she still doesen't have any money and she asked me if she could come and live with me in my flat in Barcelona for a time. I said that she could, this was not a problem and we staying in my house, here in Barcelona becose she can start her new job.

Hi James, I'm Cèlia.
I'm writing to you to tell you things that I love.
I love going to the cinema with my friends, I like horror, romantic, adventures and above all drama.
I like to feel emotions when I see the films because you put yourself in the place of the protagonists and it's like if you were in the film. I like too see the films at home alone but I never see horror films alone.

divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014


My firt activity was about doing a cake. Was a chocolate cake and i wrote " I love you" and I put vanilla.

After, I watch a video about Valentine's presents for your dog. I think that the best present is give they the best. good food, best tract, happines, love... I think that if you decide has a dog, you've got to take care about he. Your dog will always be faithful. I think that the animals has feelings, for all that you will give at your dog he always will you thank you. 

divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014


He was born on 23 of April in 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon, near London.
His father was John Shakespeare he work as a Shop Keeper, Land Owner and Bailiff of Stratford. His mother was Mary Arden she worked in a inherited land which was bequeathed to William. Shakespeare had 7 brothers and sisters.
About his education, he probably attended the free grammar school until 15. He read much Mythology, Ovid, Plutarch's Lives, etc., which he used as sources.
He married with Anne Hathaway (she was 8 years older) on 27 of November in 1582. They had 3 children: Susanna and Hamnet & Judith (twins).
He lived in London most of his life and had little to do with Stratford, although he became its third largest landower, and eventually retired there.
By 1592 he was recognized as a sussessful actor on the London stage as well as a leading poet. He was a member of a repertory group, Chamberlain's Men.
He wrote at least 38 plays as well as sonnets and other poems. He revolutionized the English stage with hs dramatic and poetic genius.
He retired from the theatre to his native Stratford sometime between 1611 and 1613, having bought a large house called "New Place"
He died on his 52nd birthday (April 23, 1616) in Stratford. He was bruried in the chancel of the Churc of Holy Trinity.

divendres, 24 de gener del 2014


I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care  
But it's so cold and I don't know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring

And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love 

But all my tears have been used up
Vull portar-te a algun lloc perquè sàpiga que m'importa
Però és tan fred i jo no sé on
Et vaig portar narcisos en un bell bikini
Però no van a florir com ho van fer a la primavera passada
I vull donar-te un petó , fer-te sentir bé
Estic tan cansada de compartir les nits
Vull plorar i vull estimar
Però totes les meves llàgrimes s'han esgotat

On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up

En un altre amor , un altre amor 
Totes les meves llàgrimes s'han esgotat 
En un altre amor , un altre amor
Totes les meves llàgrimes s'han esgota
En un altre amor , un altre amor  
Totes les meves llàgrimes s'han esgotat
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
But my hands been broken, one too many times
So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
Words they always win, but I know I'll lose

I si algú et fa mal , vull baralla
Però les meves mans es trenquen , massa vegades
Així que vaig a utilitzar la meva veu , vaig a estar tan fotudament groller
Les paraules sempre guanyen , però jo sé que perdré

And I'd sing a song, that'd be just ours
But I sang 'em all to another heart
And I wanna cry I wanna learn to love
But all my tears have been used up

I m'agradaria cantar una cançó , aquesta seria només la nostra
Però jo cantava a veure a un altre cor  
vull plorar vull aprendre a estimar 
Però totes les meves llàgrimes s'han esgotat

This song touches my heart, I love love songs and I like this song because the guy who sings it seems to be very sensitive to love. The lyrics are very sentimental.

divendres, 10 de gener del 2014


I think that christmas it's a beautiful time because you meet with the family and friends. I like  when you have to decorate the house and the tree. Christmas is a time to feel a spirit of joy and peace  and it's a day to forgive and to love and the most important part is giving not receiving. Christmas means giving, sharing, spending time with family, and loving.