divendres, 23 de maig del 2014


This is a spontaneous, peaceful, and espectacular photo. But overcoat this is a natural photo.
You can see an enormous sky and a lot of shining stars and shooting stars inside.
I think that is a romantic photo too, in the under of the photo there are a couple who are whatching the spectacular sky.
If one day I've got the opportunity to see this sight I will take a lot of photos because probably I won't see it again. And I will feel lucky.

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

My best experience in Berlin

My best experience in Berlin was the last night, the teachers gave us free time and my friends and me went for a walk round the city. I love this city at night, there are a many of people and things to do. We went to a bar and we met two friendly english boys, after, we went to Mc Donald's to eat again, because we love fast food. The time was finished and we returned to the Hostel, we was very tired to the day. During the night we stayed in the room and we were talking about the day. I love our free time, when we went to the shopping, in the Starbucks, visited to the city... I love the experience in Berlin, was unforgetable.